Two years ago we were on our second year living in Pennsylvania, one of our favorite assignments, while Gregg was deployed to Afghanistan. We made the decision for him to deploy that year for a couple of reasons. First, we had been on the move at a fairly fast pace--3 years/3 different places--which meant 3 different high schools for our oldest. Pennsylvania was a one year assignment, so you guessed it, a fourth move in 4 years/4 high schools. To ensure Jake would get to spend his senior year in Carlisle, this was our only choice. The second reason, and beyond our control, it was his turn to deploy. You can never say putting a loved one in harms way makes sense, but for a military family, these are the decisions we are faced with. And, unfortunately, it made sense for us that particular year.
Our one- year started in June, just a day after school was out for summer. This was also part of the plan, crossing our fingers he would be back for Jake's graduation the following June. Another positive to the situation, we live for the positives people, was that mid-tour R&R fell around Christmas time. Woohoo!!! Fairly early on in a deployment, leave forms are submitted to get everyones R&R requests on a calendar. This was one of the first times he put in for the two weeks that took us through Christmas and New Years.
Summer and Fall passed quickly, all 3 playing soccer had something to do with that. And we had made some wonderful friends in Carlisle, who helped us keep the whole year in check. December was upon us, the boys and I decorated the house--we picked out a real tree--and all the gifts were purchased and wrapped. The only thing left was for our husband and father to return and to celebrate the birth of Christ as a family complete. If my memory is correct, the call came in on Dec. 18 that he would arrive at Dulles airport, 2 hours away, at 6am the next morning. We loaded up the car that afternoon and stayed near the airport, shuttling over in the morning for our reunion.
Everything went off without a hitch, we even got to meet the Afghan General that Gregg worked for as he escorted him back to be with his family who are living in the US. When we returned home after a quick hotel breakfast and a little bit of shopping on the way, a welcome home sign had been hung on the house by friends who were hiding inside to surprise our soldier. It was a great day, as you can imagine, but the day our 2-week countdown began.
The schedule was tight, a lot of activities to pack into a short amount of time. To begin with, our dear friends K & B--haven't asked if I can name them in the blog--gifted Gregg and I with an overnight stay at a resort in the Allegheny Mountains of southern Pennsylvania. We went right away, the day after he returned in fact. These friends also looked after our boys-- I hear stories of a parmesan cheese shaker incident that night, hmmm. Anyway, what an AMAZING gift that was. If you ever find yourself traveling through Pennsylvania, GET OFF the turnpike and drive the 3 miles to this little town and resort. You don't have to stay there, although I highly recommend it, but you should stop and tour the hotel. There are a few dining options--we enjoyed each one--and a beautiful spa you can spend the day in even if you just get your nails done. Thanks K & B, love you guys!!!
The rest of our time with Dad was spent watching movies, opening gifts, playing games, eating and just enjoying family. There was a little trip to Virginia to share a meal with our new Afghan friends, followed by an overnight in Philly with K & B and family. They gave us the locals tour of all the sights, including a Rocky style photo-op at the Art Museum. The New Year came and went and we found ourselves back at the airport, this time sending him back into the fight. Honestly, the hardest thing I've ever had to do, several times over.
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A glimpse at R&R |
Mere - you know I'm not a crier but I had wet eyes after I read this. You have a lot to share --hope you will continue to do so.